7 Home Cleaning Tips That Actually Work

Cleaning your home is very important, as it not only promotes good health but also guarantees a better lifestyle. It comes with no surprise that very few people enjoy cleaning and many actually hate doing it. If you spend most of the time with your children, or work from morning until late at night, it is not easy to find the time and energy to keep your house clean. However, there are several things that you can do to make the whole process a little easier. Here are seven home cleaning tips that actually work and require a short time to get things done.

  1. Start with Gentle Products

It is very important to start with the gentlest cleaning products, if you have children and pets or experience asthma and frequent allergies. Gentle products can always accomplish the things you need while considering people who are most vulnerable to the chemical ingredients. It is advisable to use environmentally friendly products since they are very effective and safe for people with allergies.

  1. Use the Right Cleaning Tools

Cleaning can be made easier and faster if you have the necessary cleaning tools and products with you. You might find yourself spending more time cleaning your home just because you are using a rug that keeps leaving streaks of dirt with every wipe. This means that you will have to go back and forth trying to find different cleaning tools that can get the job done. Using the right cleaning tool for every surface in your home not only saves time but also delivers the best results.

  1. The ā€œSā€ Cleaning Pattern

The S pattern is a cleaning technique that is more effective and will save you more time and energy. Instead of cleaning in larger circular motions, you can employ the S pattern where you start at the top right of the surface moving to the left and working your way to the bottom in a wave-like motion. The idea behind cleaning in a circle or a buffing pattern is that dirt continually gets redeposited onto the surface you have just cleaned. When you clean using the S pattern, you will not leave anything along the surface.

  1. Complete One Big Task Everyday

The best way to maintain your home clean without the added effort is to complete at least one big cleaning task every day. However, this does not mean that you should not work on other areas of the house too. To add on the quick cleaning that you give each room every day, you can also add in a bigger chore such as cleaning the bathrooms from top to bottom, or cleaning your kitchen appliances. Completing one big task everyday keeps the grime and dirt from mounting on different areas in your home.

  1. Clean from Top to Bottom

If you are cleaning without any plan, you are more likely to go all over the place like a fast-paced worker trying to catch up with time. Although you may be fast at what you are doing, you may not get the best results. The top to bottom technique works on the principle that dirt and dust falls from top to bottom when you are cleaning. For instance, when cleaning your kitchen, it is important to start with the upper cupboard to avoid the dirt and dirt from falling onto your clean counter. Every section or corner of the room will be clean because you will be following a consistent technique when cleaning.

  1. Break the Work Up

Most people do not like cleaning chores because they take too long to complete and may become boring over time. Since no one wants to spend endless hours doing laundry or scrubbing the house, you can always cut down large tasks into smaller blocks of time. Breaking up your cleaning times prevents you from getting tired or bored if you would work until the end.

  1. Develop a Routine Schedule of Chores

While it may be easy to develop a schedule or routine theoretically, it is much harder to put it into action. It is important to make a routine that works for you and display it where you can see it more often. This instills some level of discipline in fulfilling your daily chores and keeping your home clean.

All the above tips can help you develop a positive attitude towards cleaning your home as they are easy to implement in your daily routine. The process will be a lot easier if you dedicate time each day to keep your home clean rather than wait for dirt and dust to build up over a long period.
