Cleaning Your Rental: A Checklist

Rental cleaning is very essential as it guarantees that the landlord will furnish you with the security deposit.

It reduces the amount of deductions made whilst still ensuring that the exemplary relationship between both parties remains intact.

Cleaning a rental might seem like a straightforward endeavor but it requires a checklist to make it seamless as it could be arduous and with some intricacies.

Many people do not know how to undertake the same and a lot of confusion ensues, as they are not aware of where to commence or finish. This article will therefore provide a checklist clearly detailing how this rental cleaning ought to be done.

Common Areas

Cleaning Services List

Doors and Walls

The walls should be cleaned to remove all marks and indentations. This should be accomplished through proper wiping to leave them in pristine condition. All the doors in the general area should also be cleaned including all knobs and handles as they have some piled-up dust that needs removing.

Window Panes, Ceiling, Mirrors and Fixtures

The ceiling is very prone and susceptible to dust and cobwebs hence the same ought to be removed. The windows should also be cleaned on both sides and all the mirrors wiped. Finally, the light fixtures and fans should be properly dusted to remove all accumulated dirt. 

Floors and Cabinetry

Depending on the amount of dirt and the cleaning intervals, it is possible to DIY the carpet cleaning but some cases necessitate the involvement of a professional. The floors should be swept and carefully mopped as they form an integral part of a home. With regard to cabinets, they should be emptied and all the shelves, drawers and rods cleaned accordingly.

The Kitchen


The refrigerator should be on forefront when it comes to appliances and it should be cleaned on both the interior and exterior. This also applies to the oven, range hood, microwave and dishwasher. 

Sinks and Countertops

The sink is exposed to a lot of dirt and grime hence it needs to be scrubbed and all the countertops wiped well leaving them squeaky clean.

Kitchen Cabinets

These are used to store varying types of materials thus they are left dirty and oily requiring them to be wiped and cleaned without forgetting the handles.


The bed and the bedding should cleaned including all the linens whereas the mattress should be vacuumed as well. The bedroom closets and shelves should be wiped and the floors swept and vacuumed too.


Bathtub and Toilet

The bathroom sink should be scrubbed properly to avoid probable clogging. This includes the drain and the faucet, which many always forget. The toilet is a very conspicuous part of the bathroom hence the need to ensure that it is cleaned rigorously. The tub, shower walls and bathroom door should also be cleaned meticulously.

Cabinets and Mirrors

Cabinets are usually exposed to soaps, detergents and many cleaning agents. On the other hand, mirrors are also subjected to a lot of splashing hence all need to be wiped and cleaned appropriately.

Laundry Room and Garage

The washer and the dryer should be well cleaned and the trays and lint traps properly wiped. The garage or storage room floor should be mopped or swept if they are not too dirty properly paying attention to the oil deposits and stains where present. The shelves in the storage area should also be wiped and cleaned.


Air Vents, Switches and Outlets

All these should be wiped and cleaned using a damp cloth and consequently left to dry. Often, some of them are undermined hence, utmost priority ought to be accorded to them to ensure they are never left unattended. This includes the baseboard, which should also be duly wiped without omission.

Outdoor Areas

Outdoor areas entail the porch or balcony in case your rental home has one of this. This further includes a patio and they all have to be swept and cleaned exhaustively as an apt demonstration that the outside is just as vital as the inside.


Taking out the trash and ensuring that it is properly disposed of is very critical in the cleaning of any rental. It could appear very ignorant to do all the major cleaning without paying attention to the minor details and elements such as removal of trash.

The foregoing points together constitute a general checklist that should inform how you ought to clean your rental. If observed and followed to the letter, this checklist should deliver impeccable results in your rental cleaning.
