The bubbly summer weather is gone and temperatures are starting to drop, as days get shorter.
Bearing in mind the heavy deposits of pollutants left behind by the summer weather and the fact that homeowners will spend more time indoors, having a pristinely clean home is crucial for family’s health, mental clarity, and comfort.
It is also a fundamental opportunity to discard junk to ensure that, when people are completely confined indoors, come winter, the living spaces will not be cramped with clutter.
Not having a clear cleaning plan is among the many reasons most homeowners dislike or get overwhelmed with cleaning. This article gives a room-by-room cleansing checklist that not only makes the process simple and seamless but also fun.

Cleaning your house to get ready for the fall holidays
Declutter and Clean Cabinets
Remove cabinet contents such as drugs, toiletries, cleaning agents, and towels, and discard the expired ones. Then wipe the surfaces using a multipurpose cleaner before returning the contents.
Deep Clean Fixtures
Wipe off all surfaces on light fixtures, mirrors, doorknobs, and AC vents with the help of a microfiber rug and cleaning solution of your choice. This will help eliminate all the fingerprints and streaks from the surfaces. Having done that, deep clean the toilet bowl, flusher, sink, and under-sink. Then finish up the fixtures by unclogging the showerhead with a needle and cleaning the extension cord.
Tile and Grout Care
Carefully inspect for any worn grout and replace it, as these spaces can harbor pathogen and mold breeding. With the use of a hard brush and tile cleaner, scrub the surfaces and be gentle on the grout to prevent further abrasions.
Empty the Bin
Empty the trash bin and clean it accordingly using water and soap.
Wipe Walls and Light Fixtures
Unless you have gone for years without deep cleaning, the walls should never be a problem. Wipe off kitchen windows, if any, and vacuum the tracks and sills. Wipe off fixtures such as doorknobs, handles, fans, and change bulbs.
Cabinet and Drawers
Empty drawers and cabinet contents such as supplies, groceries, and spices and sort them out before discarding the expired ones. Wipe off the inner and outer surfaces before arranging them in order of frequency of use.
Oven and Microwave
Using food-grade cleaners and soft cloths, wipe food crumbs and stains off oven surfaces. Then repeat the process for the inner and outer surfaces of the microwave and the fridge.
Sink and Dishwasher
Finish up the kitchen work by cleaning the stained backsplash, countertops, sinks, and dishwasher before mopping the floor. Dishwasher filter should be replaced to prevent odors and bacteria growth.
Dusting and Organizing
Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures such as lampshades and switches to get rid of germs and dust. Then organize nightstands and drawers or reorganize them to enhance the visual appeal.
Closet Reset
Empty the closet and sort clothes into often used, less often used, donate, and discard categories and carefully fold them. Dust the closet surfaces before returning the clothes and other accessories.
Bedding Refresh
Remove the bedding such as sheets, and pillowcases and clean them in the washing machine. Vacuum the mattress to eliminate sweat odors and flip it for improved sleep quality.
Rug Cleaning
With close reference to the manufacturer’s instructions, clean the door and bedside rugs in the washing machine and mop the floor. Then finish up the bedroom cleanup with floor vacuuming and mopping.
Living Room and Entryway
Walls and High-To-Reach Surfaces
Use a vacuum to suck debris and dust from window racks and sills. Armed with microfiber cloths and cleaning solution in a spray bottle, clean the windows and surfaces such as TV stands.
TV Screen, Fixtures, and Remotes
Electronics, together with their accessories such as remotes and screens, and fixtures such as fans, lampshades, and switches get the most beating from touch, hence, carrying the most pollutants. Use sanitizer to clean them. Do not forget to change old bulbs both in the living room and in entryway.
Couch Vacuuming
Remove couch cushion covers and clean them in the washing machine. To eliminate dust, use a vacuum on the couch surfaces before cleaning them with a steam cleaner.
Carpet and Doormat
Remove the carpet and doormat and clean them according to the manufacturer’s directives. Sweep and mop the floors both in the living room and in entryway.
Tackling tasks room-by-room ensures that every corner gets the attention it deserves, preventing clutter and dirt from building up during the cold months. However, as you may have realized, it can be a very complicated task. This is why you may want to involve the experts to help you out.